Thursday, March 31, 2005
The $85 Million Dollar Man

Hey Michigan, last week Willard Mitt, who claims to be pro-business, filed a bill to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars. (source: Boston Globe, 3/26/2005)

Hey South Carolina, last week Willard Mitt, who purports to be pro-business, filed a bill to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars.

Hey Iowa, last week Willard Mitt, who purports to be pro-business, filed a bill to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars.

So, Willard Mitt wants to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars.

Why does this sound so familiar? (Aside from the fact that Team Reform has increased corporate taxes in Massachusetts each year that they've been in office to a degree that the Council on State Taxation has termed Romney an "alleged pro-business Republican." (source: Boston Globe, 3/26/2005))

As the Rat Line pointed out, "Sounds like Dukakis circa '88."

Zounds. Willard Mitt Dukakis. Has a nice ring to it. Unless of course your last name is Dukakis.

Ah yes, we remember it like it was June 15, 1988. Mr. Wizard, set the Wayback Machine....

Boston Globe
June 15, 1988
Bruce Mohl, Globe Staff

The Dukakis administration, trying to balance next year's budget, is preparing a "corporate tax reform" package designed to stem the downturn in corporate excise revenues. One source in the Dukakis administration sharply objected to a description of the reform package as a set of tax increases, even though they are expected to boost revenues $25 million next year and $40 million the year after.

"We're not increasing taxes," the source said. "We're protecting our revenue base."

But critics of the administration said the governor is using semantics to disguise major tax increases.

"If some of the initiative and the creativity that is supposed to exist in the Dukakis administration were used to better manage our spending as opposed to finding new ways to tax people, I think we would be well served," said House Minority Leader Steven Pierce (R-Westfield)."

If Steven Pierce were alive today he'd be .... Excuse us? He is? Oh.

Back when Steven Pierce used to be noticed he warned that the Massachusetts Governor's "slipshod" budget process would become a presidential campaign issue. (source: Boston Globe, 7/17/2005)

"This is all a godsend for the Republican presidential candidates," he said.

Who knew that Pierce's statement toward a candidate from Massachusetts in 1988 could be applicable to a candidate from Massachusetts in 2008.

Hey Texas, last week Willard Mitt, who purports to be pro-business, filed a bill to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars.

Hey Florida, last week Willard Mitt, who purports to be pro-business, filed a bill to increase corporate taxes in Massachusetts by $85 million dollars.

Hey Utah. Nah, forgot it. We don't care about you.

Hey New York ....


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