Monday, February 14, 2005
Precedent Romney

Call it Precedent Romney. 'Perform poorly - you're gone.' It's Fear Factor, Beacon Hill-style. Never a glad hander, Romney is now a full-fledged Commander in Chafe, imposing a Mussolini-esque imprint on his Executive Branch. Do it, or die.

In the wake of one of the worst snow storms on record, Romney whacked Department of (MDC job) Conservation and Recreation Commissioner Katherine Abbott for not clearing sidewalks fast enough.

Willard Mitt is large, in charge, and taking names. Until the cameras go away.

Because last Thursday night, after the Fraud Governor cleaned house at DCR, it snowed again. But not a record breaking school's-out-for-three-days type of storm. This was a paltry little shower that no one noticed four minutes after the snow stopped. Unfortunately, someone appeared not to have noticed while the snow was coming down, because the DCR controlled Furnace Brook Parkway was slicker than snake stuff, and caused a Quincy police officer to crash his car. (source: Rat Line)

So who was responsible for keeping the Parkway safe on Thursday night, acting DCR Commissioner Steve Pritchard, or MassHighway Commissioner John Cogliano? And if their negligence caused a police officer to crash and "our focus has to be on public safety. That comes first, and there really can't be any latitude on that front," can we have another blood sacrifice? Please?

Invoke Precedent Romney! Pritchard or Cogliano must go! Actually, since a police officer was involved, Pritchard and Cogliano must go.

But why stop there? Last fall, Willard Mitt (wearing a Red Sox jacket and snazzy work gloves) tied-up traffic during a publicity stunt when he used state equipment to take down the Reverse Curve sign over Storrow Drive. Several ambulances were reportedly stuck in the ensuing tie-up. (source: BU Daily Free Press, 10/29/2004)

Hey Fraudo, remember "our focus has to be on public safety. That comes first, and there really can't be any latitude on that front"? (source: Boston Globe, 2/5/2005) You're fired.

Lightweight Lieutenant Governor Sherry Kerry, you're in charge.


Earlier this month, the Lightweight LG was being chauffeured to an event in Newton when her State Police driver "used his emergency lights to force other motorists out of the way" on Route 128. (source: Associated Press, 2/8/2005) Using a State Police car to force other motorists out of the way when "our focus has to be on public safety. There really can't be any latitude on that front"? You're fired.

Secretary of State Bill Galvin, you're in charge.


Dueling Sound-Bites

Romney's $150,000-a-year Loathsome Spokesman was clear. The poor clean-up by DCR was not a fiscal crisis, but a leadership crisis. "DCR has the resources it needs to do its job. It was time to make a change in leadership." (source: Boston Globe, 2/6/2005)

Maybe someone should tell the flack formerly known as the stout, Reese Witherspoon-wannabe dye-job aide to Romney’s $150,000-a-year loathsome spokesman who last week criticized state legislators for not supporting the Fraud Governor's funding request for DCR's snow-plowing budget saying "if (they were) truly concerned about the need for funding (they) would have supported Romney's higher budget request." (source: Boston Globe, 2/13/2005)

If DCR had the resources it needed to do its job, why did Willard Mitt request its adequate budget be increased? Especially during this, the worst economic period since the Great Depression.

So is it a big deal that the DCR has only only eight working snow-removal machines to clear 900 miles of sidewalk. (source: Boston Herald, 2/13/2005)

Hardly. If each machine cleared snow at the rate of three miles per hour, those 900 miles would be whisker clean in less than 38 continuous hours. With or without help from Precedent Romney.


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