Thursday, November 18, 2004
What He Said

Is anyone else sensing a lack of oomph coming from Team Reform lately? The Fraud Governor is still beating up on Beacon Hill. But now he's shifted his baleful aim and is lobbing long-range shells at ... a fellow Republican. Hey Matt Amorello, why does Willard Mitt hate you so much? Did you once refuse one of his multi-level marketing 'opportunities?' More on Team Reform's jihad against Amorello later. However, the wise guys are already making book on who will last longer on Beacon Hill, Amorello or Romney. And the early money is all on the former gentleman from the Second Worcester district.

But we were addressing Romney's health insurance claims.

Back when he was just a Fraud Candidate, Romney said 'his goal was to expand affordable health care to more citizens.' (source: Boston Herald, 8/7/2002) However now that he is Fraud Governor his platform consists of trying to force his way into the light of those who are actually trying to do something. His health care action plan is now "consistent with the Senate president's comments and goals." (source: Boston Globe, 11/17/2004)

That's the kind of can-doism that'll wow 'em in middle America.

We are pleased to report, however, that Romney's lethargy of action has done nothing to quash his propensity to take credit for the actions of others.

For example, despite the fact that Romney has done little more than promise to do something about extending access to health care, Team Reform's tarnished talkers are blithely bloviating as if they have actually accomplished something.

"Under (the Fraud) Governor Massachusetts is making progress," Romney's $150,000-a-year Loathsome Spokesman recently mewled. "We just eliminated the waiting list for Children's Health Plan." (source: Boston Globe, 10/22/2004))

Tell it to someone who doesn't remember Willard Mitt's budget proposal.

Because Romney's FY05 budget document proposed that the Children's Medical Security Plan (CMSP) receive $11.88 million. (Source: House 1A) This would have level funded the program, and left 15,000 children on its waiting list.

Not exactly progress.

The Legislature, however, increased the CMSP funding by appropriating $21.374 million dollars, (source: final budget/line item 4000-0990) enough funding to eliminate the waiting list. (source: Mass Budget and Policy Center)

The Fraud Governor did not "eliminate the waiting list for Children's Health Plan." He simply didn't stop the Legislature from eliminating the waiting list. Then took credit for the move.

Willard Mitt: he may not do as he says, but he's not afraid to say as others did.

What Are Friends For?

So why does Willard Mitt hate Matt Amorello? He is all but blaming Amorello for the Big Dig leaks. Despite the fact that Amorello was not chair of the Turnpike Authority when the leaky Tunnel (excuse us, the allegedly leaky Tunnel) was built.

Besides, Amorello is a Republican who has done something that Willard Mitt has proven he cannot, namely get a Republican elected to the Massachusetts legislature.

So why would Romney try to take this guy's scalp?

Unless he doesn't want the scalp. Maybe he's just trying to divert attention from someone else's scalp.

Like Bechtel's.

In fact, Rep. Joe Wagner said that "by faulting the Turnpike Authority and its chairman, (Romney) deflects responsibility from the real guilty parties: the project managers and contractors like Bechtel." (source: Boston Herald, 11/17/2004)

But why would Willard Mitt want to protect Bechtel?

True, he does have a previous relationship with the construction giant. After all, Bechtel had a $1.32 billion contract with Romney's SLOC during the Salt Lake City Winter Games.

And Romney did work side by side with Bill Wagner, who left a twenty-year career with Bechtel to join SLOC.

But it would be preposterous to say that the Fraud Governor was blaming Amorello to divert attention from Bechtel. That would be wrong. Willard Mitt has the highest ethical standing of anyone we know.

Willard Mitt would never do anything wrong.

Would he?


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