Thursday, June 03, 2004
India Inc

What's the half-life of a Republican five-syllable pronouncement?

"I am not a crook."

"It's all about jobs."

Because while it may be all about jobs, it's no longer about Massachusetts jobs. According to a local news report, Willard Mitt has moved beyond out-sourcing jobs to outlying states and is now out-sourcing jobs to outlying continents.

WHDH-TV reporter Andy Hiller recently reported that Team Reform is out-sourcing jobs to the subcontinent. Seems that each new Massachusetts welfare card contains a toll-free telephone number that connects to a customer service center in India. (source: WHDH-TV, 5/19/2003)

(No, dude, I don't want a Dell. I have a question about my benefits.")

Similar India-based out-sourcing programs were initiated earlier this year in Oregon, and by the state of Kansas Department of Social and Rehabilitation Services.

The Kansas program was developed by eFunds Corp of Arizona. Is it a coincidence that eFunds and Bain Capital share the same legal firm? Yeah, probably. But sometimes we can't help ourselves.

So here's a question: if the Fraud Governor really wanted to jump-start jobs in the Commonwealth and get people off welfare, why didn't he help create a Massachusetts-based customer service center for welfare questions? He could have staffed the call center with former welfare recipients.

Or failed candidates for the state legislature who ran as Romney 'reformers.'


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