Thursday, November 13, 2003
Romney Tees Off On Seniors, Again

The Fraud Governor recently renewed his historic and unprecedented assault on seniors, this time through Health and Human Services Secretary Ron Preston.

Preston is expanding the period when assets transferred from a senior citizen render them ineligible for Medicaid benefits, expanding the current three-to-five year period (before they make application to Medicaid) to a five-to-ten year period. (source: Boston Herald, 11/12/2003)

Why the change? According to Secretary Preston, “the (fraud) governor firmly believes that we have to sort through our programs and reserve them for people with true needs. We don't have enough to give everything to everybody.”


Is he serious? Does Preston honestly believe that no one out here has ever heard of line-items 2820-4420 and 2820-4421?

Okay. Maybe no one has. But we’d bet they’ve heard of the Leo J Martin and Ponkapoag Golf Courses, which annually soak up $1.8 million in taxpayer dollars. (source: mass.gov) Neither of which received nary a tickle from the Fraud Governor's veto pen.

(Of course, in Preston’s world, Leo Martin and Ponkapoag are probably fine places to spend tax money because ‘we don’t have enough tee-times for everybody.’)

So Mr. Secretary, until your Bogus Boss targets frills like state-funded golf courses and purges Joe Malone’s former driver from the Department of (MDC Job) Conservation and Recreation pro shop (source: Boston Herald, 2/7/2002, yes - he's still there), would you please spare us the rhetoric about reserving programs for people with true needs?

And if you truly want to make Fraudo happy, we suggest you focus on something that is likely causing severe anguish in Room 360 of the State House.

Did you know that both Leo J. Martin and Ponkapoag Golf Courses offer … senior discounts!


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