Tuesday, July 15, 2003
Romney Hack Defends No-Show

William McKinney was appointed to head the MDC by Willard Mitt Romney. McKinney's impeccable credential was that he lost a congressional primary to Jo Ann Sprague, just before Sprague lost to Stephen Lynch. (source: Boston Globe, 9/12/2001)

When Romney abolished the MDC and created the Department of (MDC Job) Conservation and Recreation, McKinney became acting director of the urban parks division. Romney, of course, abolished the MDC to get rid of all those redundant management positions. (Boston Globe, 2/20/2003) So AD McKinney is either on life-support, or proof yet again that the Fraud Governor is, well, a fraud.

Yesterday McKinney made a strong case that he should be returned to the bullpen.

After learning that a full-time MDC worker is also holding down a full-time fire-fighting job in Bedford (Boston Herald, 7/14/2003) McKinney defended his soul-mate, saying the man's "expert knowledge of public safety is an invaluable asset to the Department of (MDC Job) Conservation and Recreation." (Boston Herald, 7/15/2003)

Uh-oh, Team Reform doesn't look too good on this one. Time for Romney's loathsome $150,000-a-year spokesman to launch another attack on UMASS President Bulger?


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